For Planet Pantry, as a family company, wherever we do business we are also committed to making a positive impact on the communities. We source our products with integrity, ensuring the people who grow, manufacture, service and provide them are treated fairly and the environment is treated with respect.  These ambitions are at the core of our Sustainable Living Plan.

We strongly believe that this journey will benefit both Planet Pantry and our supplier partners – by helping communities and the environment flourish, we create the right conditions for sustainable business growth.

Our Sourcing with Integrity programme focuses on two key commitments:

People – We will ensure that the human rights of the people involved in supplying our products and services are respected and upheld.

Product – We will ensure that all products are sourced sustainably and without negatively impacting the environment.


Human Rights and Labor


Planet Pantry requires suppliers to respect all human rights, including labor rights, throughout its business activities in which they operate and to commit to the following mandatory requirements:


  • Forced Labor

       Work is conducted on a voluntary basis

  • Child Labor

       All workers are of an appropriate age. Under no circumstances will a supplier employ individuals under the age of 15           or under the local legal minimum age for work or mandatory schooling, whichever is higher.

  • Non Discrimination

       All workers are treated equally and with respect and dignity

  • Wages and Benefits

       All workers are paid fair wages, overtime pay and benefits that, at a minimum, comply with national laws

  • Working Time and Rest Days

       Working hours for all workers are reasonable

  • Workplace Environment

       All workers’ health and safety are protected at work, have access to fair procedures and remedies



Environmental Sustainability

We are committed to promoting the sustainability of forests and responsible sourcing of natural resources, whilst complying with national and local legislation relating to sourcing practices.

  • General Waste Management

       Waste is prevented, reused, recycled, recovered and/or disposed of in an environmentally sustainable way.

  • Waste Water Management

       Water use is efficient and a water resource management plan is implemented

  • Air Emission Management and Noise

       Emissions to air, boundary noise and effluent discharge meet applicable local laws.

  • Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Management

       Energy is used efficiently and greenhouse gas emissions are reduced.

  • Protection of High Conservation Value (HCV) Areas

       Products will be sourced in a manner that maintains or enhances high conservation values in the surrounding

       landscape. HCV refer to biological, ecological, social or cultural value of outstanding significance or critical     


  • Hazardous Substances Management and Pollution Prevention

       Under no circumstances will banned environmental substances be used. All pollution and incidents involving a     

       hazardous substance will be reported to the authorities as required by law. Appropriate measures will be taken to

       prevent and control the risk of environmental pollution from the release of a hazardous substance, including the

       contamination of soil or groundwater.

Ethics and Legal Requirements

  • Avoid Conflicts of Interest:

       Any and all conflicts of interest of which the supplier is aware in any business deal with Planet Pantry will be reported   

       to allow the company to take appropriate action.

  • No Bribery

       Any and all forms of bribery, corruption or extortion, either direct or indirect are prohibited.

  • Financial Record

       All business and commercial dealings related to their relationship with Planet Pantry will be accurately recorded and   

       maintained up to date in the suppliers’ records.

  • Protect Information

       Suppliers will protect Planet Pantry confidential information and act to prevent its misuse, theft, fraud or improper       

       disclosure. Suppliers must take all due care in handling, discussing or transmitting sensitive or confidential information 

       that could affect Planet Pantry, its employees, its customers, the business community or the general public.


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